:: STAFF :: | ||
Elena De Carolis - Director Coordination and organization; purchasing management; PCTO project “Bib-UP, la tua biblioteca con Sapienza”; IRIS research catalog. | 06 4991 2251 | elena.decarolis@uniroma1.it |
Raffaella Angeli Cataloging; shift calendar management and training for student collaboration scholarships; interlibrary loan and document delivery (NILDE); enhancement of the Giovan Battista Grassi Archives. | 06 49912734 | raffaella.angeli@uniroma1.it |
Michele Carpino Public services; cataloging; interlibrary loan and document delivery (NILDE); PubMed and Zotero Labs; web page management. | 06 49912250 | m.carpino@uniroma1.it |
Ines Lonigro Management of call for student collaboration scholarships; Third Mission activities; social pages (Instagram and Facebook); PCTO project “Bib-UP, la tua biblioteca con Sapienza”; IRIS research catalog. | 06 49912218 | ines.lonigro@uniroma1.it |
Roberta Palleschi Cataloging; specialized reference service and PubMed and Zotero Labs; Bibliotandem language exchange project; PCTO project “Bib-UP, la tua biblioteca con Sapienza”; Third Mission activities; IRIS research catalog; web page management. | 06 49912732 | roberta.palleschi@uniroma1.it |