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Area Council

Art. 13 Courses of Study (Sapienza University of Rome Statute)
1. The educational offer is realized by the Courses of Study. According to the current legislation, they are Degree Courses, Master's Degree Courses, Single-cycle Master's Degree Courses, Specialization Courses and can be coordinated within a Teaching Area.

2. A Teaching Area groups together several Courses of Study - belonging to a common scientific-cultural area or to classes or groups of classes - structured sequentially (three-year courses belonging to the same class or similar classes and master's courses belonging to the same class or similar classes) and/or horizontally (similar three-year courses, similar master's courses).

3. The Teaching Area or the single Course of Study are coordinated by a specific Council; it is made up of all the teachers of the coordinated Course of Study and a representation of students equal to 15% of the teachers. The Council decides on the didactic organization of the Study Courses. The establishment of the Didactic Area Councils is approved by the Faculty. The organization, composition and participation of the Study Course Councils and the Didactic Area Councils are governed by a specific Model Regulation approved by the Academic Senate and the Board of Directors, which provides the procedures for the election of student representatives.

4. The professors who make up a Council elect a President from among their number, who is responsible for convening the Council, determining the agenda, organizing the teaching and coordinating – in agreement with the Department(s) involved – the didactic coverage of the individual courses.

5. The Councils operate in accordance with the University Didactic Regulations, ensure the quality of the training activities, formulate proposals regarding the organization, annually identify the professors taking into account the needs of didactic continuity.

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