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Animal Facility

Rodent animal facility

The Animal Facility of the Department of Biology and Biotechnology “C. Darwin” supports the scientific activity of researchers, allowing them to carry out “in vivo” research according to Legislative Decree 26 of 4 March 2014, “Implementation of Directive 2010/63/EU on the protection of animals used for scientific purposes”, and subsequent amendments and additions. The animal facility falls within the category of “conventional user establishment” (Authorization no. 78/2001-A of 21/09/2001, pursuant to Legislative Decree 116/92).

Inside there are areas equipped for the stay of rodents of the species Mus musculus and Rattus norvegicus, separated by species. In the facility, animal testing is conducted in accordance with the regulations, and the primary objective of operators at all levels is respect for animal welfare and the 5 freedoms of the animal (freedom from hunger, thirst and poor nutrition; freedom to live in an adequate physical environment; freedom from pain, injuries and diseases; freedom from environmental discomforts; freedom to best express the typical behavior of the species to which they belong).

The environments are structured to guarantee the health and comfort of the animal and of the staff responsible for testing and caring for the animals in accordance with the current regulations.

Furthermore, adequate scientific parameters are followed for the correct harm/benefit assessment and application of the 3Rs (reduction, refinement, replacement).

The facility is organized in such a way as to allow continuous monitoring of the light/dark cycle, the temperature and humidity of the environment, and within the area, in addition to the stabling rooms, there are spaces used for surgery, quarantine and services.

Access is permitted only to authorized personnel.

Upon request, all professors, researchers, and department staff who meet the requirements of the legislation in force may use the center. Researchers involved in animal testing are supported by a designated veterinarian and technicians responsible for maintaining animal welfare.

The Animal Welfare Body (OPBA) not only manages the animal facility, but also authorizes access to the areas, monitors the correct training, continuous professional development and conduct of all those who have access to the facility, provides advice on experimental procedures, supports researchers in planning projects and in requests for authorization of the related experimental protocols.

Access to the service pages is permitted only to authorized personnel.


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