• 29 May 2015 Aula A, Department of Biology and Biotechnology "C. Darwin" Sapienza University of Rome

    10:30       Welcome...

  • L'uso degli  Organismi Geneticamente Modificati (OGM) in agricoltura coinvolge scienza, politica, economia ed etica. E' importante discuterne oggi che l'EXPO "Nutrire il Pianeta" è stata appena inaugurata e che l'Unione Europea ha emanato la nuova direttiva sulle colture geneticamente modificate...

  • Care studentesse e cari studenti,
    vi chiediamo di aiutarci a selezionare docenti che si siano distinti per la loro efficacia negli insegnamenti che avete seguito.
    Vi ricordo che la motivazione è la seguente:
    I riconoscimenti per l’insegnamento della Facoltà di Scienze MMFFN, sono...

  • Slideshow Image 8

    Cos'è l'anno della Luce
    Il 20 dicembre 2013 l'ONU, in occasione della 68a...
  • Our research group investigates on topics related to structure, function and evolution at multiple levels of biological organization, from molecules to cells, from organisms to populations and ecosystems. Some examples of specific subjects are: apoptosis and senescence, thyroid hormones and...

  • RNA

    Analyses comparing transcriptomes to genomes of mammalian species have established that approximately two-thirds of genomic DNA is pervasively transcribed, in sharp contrast to the less than 2% that is ultimately translated into proteins. In particular, multicellular organisms are characterized...

  • Our main research lines are:

    1 ) Role and mechanism of action of oligogalacturonides in plant-pathogen interactions (Prof. De Lorenzo)

    2 ) Role of pectin in plant growth, development and bioconversion of biomass (Prof. Cervone)

    3 ) Study of cell wall biochemical...

  • Plants are an essential part of the natural world. The need for renewable energy, the ever increasing pressure for food and environment preservation are among the urgent challenges which require a better understanding of plant biology. In the Plant Development Laboratory (PDL), which consists of...

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