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Bibliographic searches

:: Catalogs, databases, and resources in the biological and biomedical fields ::

Libraries Catalogs

Resources accessible from the University network and from home

Resources for online research

  • Google Scholar: Google search engine specializing in searching for articles and scientific material
  • Internet Archive Scholar: Internet Archive search engine specializing in searching articles and scientific materials
  • arXiv: archive of preprints in Physics, Mathematics, Computer Science, and Biology (by Cornell University Library)
  • bioRxiv: preprint archive for biology (by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory)
  • PeerJ Preprints: preprint archive for biology and computer science
  • OSFPreprints: meta-search engine for preprint archives
  • WorldWideScience: meta-search engine for international scientific databases and portals

Accessible digital resources

Image repositories and other resources





Biblioteca Charles Darwin
Indirizzo: Città Universitaria, Edificio CU026 (ingresso "Antropologia"), 1° piano. 
Ingresso pedonale più vicino: viale Regina Elena, 334


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